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I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.

Check All That You Have Experience Doing



Please fully read and acknowledge you understand the following. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete application. 

I understand that physically showing up for work is an essential element of this job. My failure to comply with this requirement will result in termination. At- Will Employment: Texas is an ā€œAt-Willā€ state and Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC is an ā€œat willā€ employer. This means that employment with Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC can be terminated with or without cause or notice at any time, at the option of either the client, staffing service or employee, except as otherwise provided by law. Staffing agreements, handbooks or policies and procedures are not intended to create a contract of continued employment, employment for a specific term, or any contractual obligation or legally enforceable obligation on the part of the company. The company has the right to revise any agreement, handbook, policy or procedure. Any changes in the ā€œat willā€ relationship can only be done in writing and with the signature of the employee and a member ranking company official. Equal Opportunity: It is the policy of Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC, to offer equal opportunity for employment to individuals regardless of race or ethnicity, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, age, physical handicaps, ancestry or other basis prohibited by law. The policy concerning equal employment opportunity requires that: ā€¢In established qualifications for employment, no provision or requirement will be adopted that would be discriminatory on the basis of such protected characteristics as race, color, national origin, age, sex, handicap, or religious affiliation, except where a bona fide occupational qualification exists. ā€¢No questions in any examination, application form, or other Staffing proceeding will be so framed as to attempt to elicit information concerning protected characteristics from an applicant, eligible candidate, or employee. ā€¢No appointment to or removal from a position will be affected in any manner solely by the personā€™s protected characteristics and further that it will be the responsibility of all employees to abide by and carry out the provisions of this policy. ā€¢Any employee or job applicant who feels that he/she has been subjected to discrimination by employees, officers, or agents of Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC is required to report the incident or complaint directly to his/her counselor, supervisor, or human resource who will investigate and attempt to resolve the manner. If such person (counselor, supervisor or human resource) is alleged to be the offending employee, the employee may report the incident or complaint to an owner.

Job Offer: A job offer is contingent upon successful completion of a civilian background check and/or drug test and/or tobacco testing depending on the testing requirements of the place of employment. ā€¢Candidates are to consider when accepting an assignment: To only accept the assignments with a commitment to complete the assignment. To not accept an assignment that will interfere with a previous commitment. It will not count against the candidate, if a position is not accepted. However, if the candidate continuously is offered work and does not accept the offers, we will consider this a voluntary resignation. Credibility of the candidate is based upon dependability and responsibility. Completing an Assignment (please initial below): When an assignment is to end, it is the employeeā€™s responsibility to contact Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC to inform their recruiter of the end date. The employee is required to return any item(s) in their possession to Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC or the company where they were assigned. In the event, there is a failure to return the item(s) to the rightful party, the employeeā€™s paycheck will be held until all item(s) are returned and returned in the same condition as they were given. ____ I understand once my assignment has been ended I am not to contact or return to the client for any reason. Failure to comply is immediate termination. ____ In addition to our policies I understand when an assignment has ended or been completed it is my responsibility to contact Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC by the next business day no later than 8:00 am. Failure to do so is considered a voluntary quit and my unemployment benefits can be denied. Absenteeism and/or Tardiness: It is the policy of Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC that our employee is to contact Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC when the employee is unable to make it to work. A call should be made no less than two hours prior to the workday so that backup for the day can be provided. Absences for medical reasons, court or appointments should be supported by documentation. In the event time off is needed for an appointment, etc. a call should be made by the employee to Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC. Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC will contact the employer for the employee to arrange this requested time off. Employees that are repeatedly tardy or absent may be in jeopardy of job termination. No show/no call will result in job abandonment and is considered a voluntary quit.


have read and understand the above conditions of employment.


All Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC Associates, Safety at the workplace is an important issue at Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC. We strive to provide a safe environment for you to ensure the highest level of work quality and productivity. With this in mind, when you accept an assignment from this office, you may be issued Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by us and/or the company where you are placed. This equipment is issued to you for YOUR SAFETY, and we require you to wear it at all times when you are working with NO EXCEPTIONS! Some of our clients require you to wear it at the time you enter their facility, so please be aware if this applies to your assignment. Please adhere to all safety guidelines set forth to you by Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC. If you have any questions about Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC safety guidelines, PPE, or creating a safe working environment and how it applies to your specific assignment, please ask your Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC representative at the time you are offered the position. If you become injured while on an assignment with Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC, there are certain guidelines that musts be observed. They are as follows: 1.Notify Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC and your supervisor immediately 2.Have your supervisor then contact Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC office (or representative if after regular hours) to report the accident, let us know what happened, and if you need immediate medical attention. 3.If immediate medical attention is needed, you will need to go to one of our Network Caregivers. (In the event that the injury is life threatening, you will be transported to the nearest hospital emergency center.) 4.Upon arrival at the medical treatment center, let them know that you work for Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC and the injury is work related. 5.As per this employment agreement, you agree to submit to a Post-Accident Drug Test (PADT). (All CDL Drivers must also submit to a Blood Alcohol Test) If you fail, or refuse to submit to a PADT/Blood Alcohol Test, your ability to receive Workersā€™ Compensation benefits can be affected or denied. 6.Once you are treated and released, you must report to the Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC office that assigned you, as soon as possible, with all treatment documentation. 7.If you are hospitalized, you or (if you are unable) a family member can contact the Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC office or representative the next business day to inform us. 8.You must continue with all follow up appointments/treatment as prescribed by the attending physician, provide follow up care documentation to Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC office, and report for modified duty assignment if you are released to modified duty. Failure to do so can affect your ability to receive Workersā€™ Compensation Benefits. 9.If you need a specialist, your attending physician will refer you. 10.You will have to pay the bill if you get health care from someone other than a network doctor without out-of-network approval. Making a false or fraudulent Workersā€™ Compensation Claim is a crime that may result in fines and or imprisonment. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in you PERSONALLY being responsible for all bills generated from your injury. Remember, as an Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC associate on assignment, please conduct yourself in a safe and responsible manner and be conscious of your surroundings to potential safety hazards.


have read, understood, and agree to follow these guidelines as an Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC Associate.


Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC is a drug-free workplace. As such, we prohibit the use of non-prescribed drugs or alcohol during work hours. If the employee comes to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol or uses drugs or alcohol during work time, the employee will be disciplined in accordance to the policy up to an including termination. Under Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC drug testing policy, all current and prospective employees must submit to the drug testing policy. Prospective employeeā€™s will only be asked to submit to a test once a conditional offer of employment has been extended and accepted. An offer of employment by Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC is conditioned on the prospective employee testing negative for illegal substances. Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC policy is intended to comply with all state laws governing drug testing and is designed to safeguard employee privacy rights to the fullest extent of the law. If the employee receives notice that the employee's test results were confirmed positive, the employee will be given the opportunity to explain the positive result. In addition, the employee may have the same sample retested at a laboratory of the employee's choice. The employee will be responsible for the cost of the retesting. Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC reserves the right to conduct random drug testing to their employees at any time. If there is reason to suspect that the employee is working while under the influence of an illegal drug or alcohol, the employee will be suspended without pay until the results of a drug and alcohol test are made available to Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC by the testing laboratory. Where drug or alcohol testing is part of a routine physical or random screening, there will be no adverse employment action taken until the test results are in. All testing results will remain confidential. Employee must sign a consent form prior to the release of results. Test results may be used in arbitration, administrative hearings and court cases arising as a result of the employee's drug testing. Results will be sent to federal agencies as required by federal law. If the employee is to be referred to a treatment facility for evaluation, the employee's test results will also be made available to the employee's counselor. ___ ā— Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC may deduct $15 from my first paycheck for the drug screening


have read, understood, and agree to follow these guidelines as an Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC Associate.


Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC may conduct criminal record checks as part of the application or licensing process. This search may include appropriate court records relating to the applicantā€™s county of residence for evidence of felony and/or misdemeanor convictions. Where a criminal record check is part of a general background check for employment, volunteer work, or licensing purposes, the following practices and procedures will generally be followed. I.Criminal record checks will be conducted in accordance with applicable law. This form is to notify applicants or employees a criminal record check will be conducted. If requested, the applicant or employee will be provided with a copy of this criminal background check policy. II.Unless otherwise provided by law, a criminal record will not automatically disqualify an applicant or employee. Rather, determinations of suitability based on criminal record checks will be made consistent with this policy and any applicable law or regulations. III.If a criminal record is received, the authorized individual will closely compare the record provided with the information on the Disclosure and Authorization Form and any other identifying information provided by the applicant or employee, to ensure the record relates to the applicant or employee. IV.If the Company reasonably believes the record belongs to the applicant or employee and is accurate, then the Company will determine the applicant or employeeā€™s suitability for the position or license at issue. Unless otherwise provided by law, factors considered in determining suitability may include, but not be limited to the following: a.Relevance of the crime to the position sought; b.The nature of the work to be performed; c.Time since the conviction; d.Age of the candidate at the time of the offense; e.Seriousness and specific circumstances of the offense; f.The number of offenses; g.Whether the applicant has pending charges; h.Any relevant evidence of rehabilitation or lack thereof; i.Any other relevant information, including information submitted by the candidate or requested by the hiring authority ___ ā— Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC will deduct $15 from my first paycheck for the background check. (Initial above)


Purpose: to ensure the Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC maintains a workplace safe and fee of violence for all, the company prohibits the carry of (either openly or in a concealed manner) any firearms while on company property and or premises. Person Covered: All Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC employees are subject to the provision, including contract workers, temporary employees as well as visitors and customers on company property and or premises. A license to carry a weapon does not supersede company policy. Any employee in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Definitions: ā€œCompany property and or premisesā€ is defined as all company-owned or leased buildings, building in which All Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC is housed and surrounding areas such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways, and parking lots under the companyā€™s ownership or control. This policy includes carrying or maintaining a concealed weapon or handgun in any vehicle used in connection with your employment or brought onto All Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC. ā€œDangerous weaponsā€ includes firearms, explosives, knives, and other weapons that might be considered dangerous or that could cause harm. Employees are responsible for making sure that any item possessed by an employee is int prohibited by this policy. Searches of Personal Property: All Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC reserves the right at any time and at its discretion to search all company-owned or leased vehicles and all vehicles, plus packages, containers, lockers, work areas, enclosures and persons entering onto its property or premises, for the purpose of determining whether any weapon is being, or has been, brought onto its property or premises in violation of this policy. Employees who fail or refuse to promptly permit a search under this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Any employee who witnesses the concealment or possession of a weapon or who witnesses a physical or verbal assault involving another person should report it to their supervisor and Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC immediately. Violating this policy or refusing to consent to a reasonable search conducted pursuant to this policy may lead to discipline up to and including termination. Compliance with this policy is also a term and condition of continued employment with All Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC.


hereby release and hold harmless All Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC, its affiliates or subsidiaries from any all liability, including liability for

negligence, associated with any searches undertaken pursuant to the policy and/or with enforcement of the policy.


I understand when I start a new assignment, I must complete the entire day.  I understand If I walk off the assignment and or am terminated for reasons that are in my complete control (Ex. Attendance, insubordination, performance, etc) or if no call no show the next day without calling Clarity Staffing Solutions LLC that I will not return, I will be subject to minimum wage ($7.25) for any hours owed to me.

Ā”Gracias! Estaremos en contacto.

Ā© 2022 por Clarity Staffing Solutions, LLC

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